SUNDAY SERVICES | 9:00am & 10:30am ||||||| *PVKids available each service


Change The World 
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Would you or your small group like to contact our missionaries? We would love to help you connect.
Just email our Missions Pastor, Scot Farris: to receive your missionary's contact information.

Kenton & Haley Killebrew, New York City, NY, USA

We are serving the South Asian diaspora community in NYC, primarily focused on Punjabi Sikh, but also ministering to Pakistani Muslims. Our desire is to see a movement of disciples making disciples among the Punjabi community resulting in at least one SBB led church in each diaspora community by 2029. We lead a team comprised of Americans and Punjabi Christians. We regularly gather for prayer, equipping, and do several forms of outreach and ministry.  A year ago we started a house church where we gather with other American and Punjabi Christians (some come from a Sikh background), Sikhs, and Hindus - we have seen two people come to faith in our group since last year, and they are getting baptized next week! We are also slowly starting to train and equip local churches to reach Sikhs not only here in NYC, but in other communities throughout North America. We also work to mobilize work among Sikhs worldwide and educate Christians on who Sikhs are and how to reach them.

Favorite food? Indian  
Favorite Hobby? Photography & Cooking
Favorite Sports Team? New York Mets

Would a short-term mission team from Parkview Baptist be beneficial to your ministry? If so, what type of team would you need?
Yes, we'd love to have a small mission team (4-8 people) join us in the work here - for Prayer, Evangelism, and Hospitality.

Mario & Mai Contemprato - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

I (Mario) am pastoring a church plant in Mississauga Canada that focuses on the four major ministries, namely Worship, Outreach, Discipleship and Relationship. To realize those four ministries we do regular tracts distribution and friendly basketball games to reach for the people, doing regular discipleship training, and fellowship. To our utmost diligence we bring those people to the presence of the Lord every Sunday. The church was started in the midst of pandemic in August 2020.

Favorite Food? Salmon Sinigang
Favorite Hobby? Gardening
Favorite Sports Team? Golden State Warriors

Would a short-term mission team from Parkview Baptist be beneficial to your ministry? If so, what type of team would you need?
A mission team who could help us in doing streets and sports evangelism.

Robin & Neena Wasti, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Robin is the lead pastor at LEAF Canada Church in Brampton, Ontario. Robin and his family fled Pakistan over a decade ago due to extreme persecution. They now reach out to some of the most unreached people groups in the world today, especially focusing on sharing the Gospel with Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs who have immigrated from Pakistan and India.

Favorite Hobby? Gardening
Favorite Sports Team? Pakistan National Cricket Team

Would a short-term mission team from Parkview Baptist be beneficial to your ministry? If so, what type of team would you need?
Yes, the mission team will help us in reaching the unreached people groups.

Jarred & Megan Etheredge, South Africa

The Mission of Those Crazy Etheredges is to train Christ affirming believers to carry out God’s commission and calling on their lives firstly in their homes and then to their churches, communities, and to the ends of the earth. We seek to see the body of Christ well trained through discipleship, well equipped with the knowledge of the Gospel, and sent out for Kingdom work by the empowering of the Holy Spirit.

Favorite Food? South African Braai (BBQ) meat
Favorite Hobby? Listening to sermons

Would a short-term mission team from Parkview Baptist be beneficial to your ministry? If so, what type of team would you need?
Yes. We are currently in construction so service teams would be beneficial. We are also actively planting a church so evangelistic and outreach teams would also be a great benefit.

Erik & Amanda Hunt, Guatemala

Our Mission
Overall, we want to serve others and make intentional efforts to meet the needs of those around us by building sustainable relationships in such a way that we can effectively share the Gospel and make disciples.
         • Meet Needs                              • Build Relationships
• Share the Gospel                   • Make Disciples
Our Vision
The core of our efforts is to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to others by living our lives in such a way that people don't just hear about Jesus, they see Him through the obedience to serve and love others. As Christians, we are challenged to live as the 'Hands' and 'Feet' of Jesus - every day... and that's who we want to be here at Hands of Hope.
We accomplish this through a variety of outreaches such as Bible Classes, food distribution, discipleship programs, construction projects and more.

Favorite Food? Tacos
Favorite Hobby? Spending time together
Favorite Sports Team? Miami Heat

Would a short-term mission team from Parkview Baptist be beneficial to your ministry? If so, what type of team would you need?
Yes. A large part of our ministry is hosting mission groups from all over the United States. We could benefit from any team that is willing to walk the mountain trails and go love people.

Adiel & Pam de Torres - Philippines

Adiel pastors Carpenter's House Baptist Church in the Philippines, and he also leads multiple ministries so that the Gospel can spread throughout his home country and the world. They focus on evangelism, church planting, training pastors, running a Christian school, police ministry, and so much more.

Favorite Food? BBQ Chicken
Favorite Hobby? Biking & Shooting
Favorite Sports Team? Golden State Warriors

Would a short-term mission team from Parkview Baptist be beneficial to your ministry? If so, what type of team would you need?
Neigborhood Kids Outreach and Feeding

Chris & Jill (Last named omitted for security) - Africa

Our family is committed to multiplying disciples and churches everywhere until there is no place left where Christ is not known. Our desire is to find, train, and serve fruitful leaders to share the gospel, multiply disciples, and start healthy, reproducing churches. We are working to reach unreached people groups across Africa. Our current focus in on the Somali people group, but we also have partners we are working with in other areas.

Favorite Food? Thai food & dark chocolate
Favorite Hobby? Exercising and being outdoors
Favorite Sports Team? UT Vols

Would a short-term mission team from Parkview Baptist be beneficial to your ministry? If so, what type of team would you need?
Yes! We would love to partner with Parkview in this way! First and foremost, we need laborers to come and help us sow the gospel seed broadly among unreached people groups in our area. There just simply are not enough laborers to do this.

Egidio Robles - Costa Rica

Egidio started a work in his small mountainous hometown several years ago, and God continues to use him in incredible ways there. He started a church and serves as the pastor. He is also involved in various other ministries including: feeding ministry, a bed ministry for children, providing essential needs like clothing and water, evangelism, discipleship, school ministries, and so much more.

Would a short-term mission team from Parkview Baptist be beneficial to your ministry? If so, what type of team would you need?
Yes, we need teams to come and help with evangelism, discipleship, construction of beds, school ministry, and more.

Josué & Nicki Sanchez - Costa Rica

For the past three years me and my wife have dedicated our time and efforts to work intentionally with a smaller group of kids in La Carpio, Costa Rica. We decided to reach smaller number of people to bear fruits in a "faster" way. We are part of an organization called Christ For the City International, and we serve the international office remotely with our profession and skills.

Favorite Food? Steak
Favorite Hobby? Hiking

Would a short-term mission team from Parkview Baptist be beneficial to your ministry? If so, what type of team would you need?Yes - Any team willing to serve the Lord.

Set Free Alliance - Liberia, Sierra Leone, & India

Our mission started as a simple mission trip. But as we've learned over the last 20 years, God had bigger plans. Since taking our first steps of obedience, Set Free has grown through our network of indigenous partners to give clean water to over 3 million people, rescue over 80,000 children from slavery, baptize millions, and plant thousands of churches.
Set Free is on a mission to provide freedom through Christ. We are not a strictly humanitarian organization, but rather we are an evangelical organization that happens to do humanitarian work. We understand that we cannot make disciples of Christ if children are enslaved and have no way of hearing who Christ is and how much He loves them. We cannot make disciples of Christ if a mother is too weak from hunger to listen and absorb the Good News. We cannot make disciples of Christ if a father dies because of a water-borne disease, never hearing the name Jesus Christ.